Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome to another year!

Greetings all,

The University of Saskatchewan Horticulture Club is a campus group composed mainly of undergraduate students, who are interested in the ever expanding and diversifying field of Horticultural Science. We strive to learn about and experience many disciplines within this realm, whether it be using horticultural production systems, learning how to make wine, propagate plant material or simply enjoying the company of other horticulture enthusiasts!

Most of all, we are not afraid to get our hands dirty, we rise to the challenge and welcome new opportunities to excel.

I am thrilled to personally welcome you to the Horticulture Club; I hope to see you participating in our many events and activities!

Our first meeting is Tuesday, September 15, 2009, at 5:30 pm in AGRC 2E25, come and check it out! So far we are planning for everything from plant/pumpkin/poinsettia sales to making wine/cider and preserves, plus more! If you have any more great ideas or projects for us to undertake, by all means, contact any one of the executive, we'd love to here from you!

May you learn what you can and have a blast in the process!
It's yours to discover.

Presidentially Yours,

Chelsea Tomcala

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